Grace is What Sustains Us in the In-between
The arrival of Jesus was a new genesis. A new relationship with God almighty became available. With Jesus we are...
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The arrival of Jesus was a new genesis. A new relationship with God almighty became available. With Jesus we are...
Recently someone told me she’s been walking through a very stressful month where she’s had to give more of herself...
We are a people of grief. We live in a world of loss and brokenness. It is inevitable to encounter...
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is...
The fear of failure is one we’ve all known at some point in our lives, but what I’m noticing is...
Maybe you’ve heard journaling is a good idea but you can’t figure out how to start. If that’s you, then...
One reason emotions have gotten such a bad rap is due to the correlation people make between how they feel...
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