2020 has been the year of changed plans. It’s getting old, isn’t it? There are people who do not make plans — or goals — at the beginning of each year, but many people do. January 1st, the day all of the diets begin. OK, joking aside. Seriously, this is the time of year when we not only celebrate the hope and joy of Christmas, but we also begin to consider what the next year will bring, what we want to accomplish, or what we hope might happen. It is always a hopeful routine – the reflection, celebration, and life of Christmas that transitions to an anticipation for the coming year.
Many will write some things down, some resolutions as we call them. Some may set an intention for the year, make goals for their life, their work, their health. Maybe even allow themselves to dream, to step outside of their comfort zone and reach for those dreams. We did this in 2019, a year ago. We spent time thinking about what we hoped for in 2020, and may have even been well on our way until the world shut down in March.
And since that moment, it has felt useless making any plans, setting any goals. Every time I sit down at the beginning of each week or each quarter and write down what I hope to accomplish in my life and in my work, I have to adjust.
And if you are like me, you are probably tired of that. What use is it to make plans, to set goals or intentions, if it all may hit the fan any minute? Nothing feels steady. Stable. Safe.
Well, here’s my thought on this: goals and plans bring a sense of hope, even if we don’t see them through. It seems pointless to try. I get it. But hope is never a bad idea. It is never a waste of time. And making plans brings hope.
As this New Year approaches us, we can be thankful 2020 is finally over, ha! And we can choose hope. We can choose to let our dreams awaken again, to find purpose again. To not let 2020 steal anything else, and to take responsibility over our lives. We can reflect on what is behind us, and we can move forward to what is in front of us.
Our plans may change, but wasn’t that always a possibility? Weren’t we always at the mercy of a God whose plans never seem to be our own? Don’t let it strip you of hope if or when these goals and plans don’t go as you think they might. Take a deep breath, and remember that God still sits on the throne. He won’t let go of you. He is with you every step of the way.
So grab a notebook. Intentionally invite God into this conversation. And use these basic questions to reflect on 2020 and dream about 2021 goals and plans:
What were my best yes’s in 2020?
What were my best no’s?
What did I grieve this year?
What do I miss?
What did I welcome?
What did I learn?
How did I grow?
For 2021,
What do I hope to be true in my life one year from now?
What do I need?
What is healthy and unhealthy in my life spiritually, physically, relationally, professionally, academically, and emotionally?
What is something God is asking of me?
What are my definite yes’s this year?
What are my definite no’s?
How do I want to spend my time?
What is missing?
What is my mission?
What is my vision?
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