By Travis Pollard
We read that God created the world and all that is in it in six days, then on the seventh He rested.
God looked at all He had created and said that it was good. Everything operated in the way it was
designed. All of creation dwelled together in perfect peace. This might sound like a far off story,
but it is what we were all crafted to experience.
Can you imagine what this peace must have felt like?
Maybe take a step closer and begin to imagine the most peaceful moment you can remember.
Notice with curiosity what you are sensing. What do you see? What can you feel? Are there any
sounds? Do you notice the scent of the scene? I wonder if you could taste something soothing.
This is but a glimpse of the Peace experienced in the Garden.
Imagining such peace might be difficult for you to engage with because you might not have any
memories you can recall that resemble peace. Our perfect peace was broken and distorted in the
same place it was brought together.
After the Fall in Genesis 3, we have been cursed with pain,
suffering, toil, enmity, and great tension. These curses are a direct disruption of the peace God
orchestrated in His creation. You have been affected by this directly. Your pain, sorrow, trauma,
broken relationships, and suffering are all real experiences. They scream loud that there is an
absence of peace on Earth. They scream loud that we yearn for peace once again.
Advent season is a great celebration of the most intrusive infiltration of peace the Earth has
experienced since the dawn of creation.
If you have a candle near you, or Advent candles, take a moment to light the Peace candle. It is
usually purple to represent the royalty and sovereignty of Christ.
That night when Jesus was born, the Scriptures say, a host of Angels proclaimed that Peace was
brought to Earth.
Even the Angels knew the Earth had suffered without any peace for so many years, as they
celebrated their announcement. A glimpse of hope. God will restore His peace back to His
creation. The savior of the world is here. The only savior that will bring us peace.
The savior of the world is here. He has brought with him peace. Abounding peace.
His word says that we are to shod our feet with the Gospel of Peace. This Gospel infiltrates all of
existence; nothing is not affected by it. With the Gospel comes peace. In your own story, as you
walk in the truth of the Gospel, notice how peace ensues.
We celebrate the first coming of the Christ this Advent season, while we anticipate earnestly his
second coming. You have the ability to experience peace here on Earth because Jesus came to
redeem us.
You may revel in the graciousness of God that He would grant you peace in your specific
circumstances. He knows your story. As you remember His story, meditate on His peace.
While here on Earth, we will not experience perfect peace. You will still face trials and suffering.
There will be moments where you cry out for peace. Moments of sickness, chronic pain, great
loss and grief, distorted or even abusive relationships, and deep sorrow or anxiety.
In these moments we look to the promise of Christ’s return. He is coming back. He will restore
the righteous and all of creation to His perfect peace.
Listen to what the prophet Isaiah says in Chapter 11:
A Liturgy
To access an audio version of this reading and printable booklet with reflection questions, including the five other Advent readings written and recorded by the counselors at FLCC, visit
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